The Director

Dear Parents
You always found it a tough job to select the right school for your kids. But now, after your experience during pandemic, it has become even more difficult and complicated because it involves online teaching too. How many schools were able to provide that kind of vision, prepare their teachers for this change, see to it that the students did not lose any time and their learning did not face unnecessary hiccups and obstructions? Well, at CVPS we ensured all this and much more.
Apart from this unforeseen dilemma, there were usual concerns too. The most important question was to be clear about what you look for in the school and what your aspiration is. Are you aspiring for just academic brilliance or you wish to give them a happy childhood, culture, behavior, good values, respect for seniors along with kindness and sympathy for all? Think of making them positive young people who seek to be happy and noble human beings, who make you feel proud of your kids.
You need to be aware of the fact that your child will not be looking for age-old careers alone. There are hundreds of areas they can choose. They need to explore and find out what suits them the best. They can plan to choose their subjects accordingly.
Our school cares for all this and we care for each child. We know that because your child is special, so should be the school you choose for your ward. We welcome the students on this journey of excellence with us at CVPS.
Wishing the best for your kids....
Dr. Himani Agarwal