“The single biggest difference between Financial Success and Financial Failure is how well you manage your money. It's simple: To master money, you must manage money. “
Banking and Financial institutions are undergoing a dramatic transformation in this digital age. Despite the extended digital communications, a significant proportion of the people cannot transact financially.
To enhance awareness about Financial Literacy and usage of Digital Tools , a workshop was organized by CBSE on 18 September, 2023, in the premises of City Vocational Public School. The Resource Person was Dr. Stuti Priyadarshini Nijhawan, a renowned financial speaker accompanied by Mr. Abhishek Ojha. She enlightened the faculty members on how to invest money with minimum risk and various methods and schemes for saving money. Moving on, she emphasized on the different procedures of saving and investments. She explained that the Indian markets which are full of opportunities and uncertainties, it's an entrepreneur who assumes risk and becomes a catalyst for change and innovation.
One should make an attempt to understand which of the features are preferred by the investors to evaluate various schemes of bank deposits, LIC, post offices etc.
Revered Principal Ms. Anita Tripathi also insisted on the significance of saving and she thanked the resource person for giving an insight as to how money can be raised and saved for future benefits.
Being financially literate is a skill that brings forth an assortment of benefits that can improve the standard of living for individuals through an increase in financial stability.