The Principal
The education scenario throughout the world is in a state of constant flux. The policies, content and methods of delivery are changing rapidly. The introduction of new technology-enabled teaching and learning has changed the role of conventional teacher from teaching to facilitator. To meet the challenge of this paradigm shift in education, we at CVPS keep evolving ourselves. At CVPS we not only train our students for academic qualifications but also develop in them qualities vital to facing real-life challenges. We ensure that they do not get lost in the labyrinth of numerous choices. We have the expertise and wherewithal to deal with their anxiety and concerns. It is our paramount responsibility to make them aware of all the choices and to differentiate between the right and wrong.
The parents undoubtedly have the most important role in building the character and confidence of their wards. They are the first ones to imbibe values, beliefs and etiquettes of conduct in them. We expect parents to set high moral standards. The teachers are the second biggest influence on a child. Students often see their mentors as their role models. Today’s generation is aware, analytical and has access to a lot of information. Our teachers satisfy their inquisitiveness, clear their doubts and explain the rationale behind the facts.
The reality is that at every stage of life, there is competition and they must compete to win. The objective no doubt is to win, but to win fairly, decently, and by the rules. Our emphasis is that they not only lead a better quality of life but also a higher quality of life. In our endeavor to make these students into good human beings, we seek cooperation from all concerned for nurturing and educating these young minds.
Thanking you in anticipation of your support.